In the meantime here is an example of Mexican food that sets the bar high for Mexican food.
Acapulco's in Norwood has a menu that will entice the pickiest eater.
Chimichanga & Enchilada with Refried Beans and Yellow Rice
This is a combination plate. When you order from Acapulco's you can simply order a meal or you can order a combination of 1, 2 or 3 items from a list that comes with rice and refried beans. The main dishes are a miniature version of what is on the menu when ordered alone.
Chimichanga with Yellow Rice and Refried Beans
This is an example of the size you would get if you ordered one item from the menu rather than a combo.
The food at Acapulco's is flavorful and there is a variety of things that suits the tastes of many. More importantly it is an inexpensive place to enjoy the company of a friend over a good meal. Did I mention that there is also a full bar? Good food cheap AND a bar?!?! Enough said. Go and eat, drink and be merry.
Acapulco's has locations in Amesbury, Beverly, Enfield, Framingham, Franklin, Milford, Needham, Norwood, Quincy, Stratford, Sudbury and West Yarmouth.
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